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Tue. 16
Wed. 17
Thu. 18
Fri. 19
Tue. 16
Wed. 17
Thu. 18
Fri. 19
Registration opens
13:30 - 15:00 (1h30)
Registration opens
Hall - Bâtiment 13- CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
#Opening ceremony#
15:00 - 15:30 (30min)
#Opening ceremony#
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
F. Legrand (France) & M. J. Apter (USA)
#Keynote speaker#1# Reversal Theory, The British Psychological Society and the Wider World
15:30 - 16:30 (1h)
#Keynote speaker#1# Reversal Theory, The British Psychological Society and the Wider World
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
R. Mallows (UK)
#Ken Smith memorial lecture# Reversal theory: an incredibly flexible framework
16:45 - 17:30 (45min)
#Ken Smith memorial lecture# Reversal theory: an incredibly flexible framework
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
E. Mullet (France)
#Poster Session# Metamotivational states for Exercise among Smokers, Nonsmokers, and Quitters
17:45 - 17:55 (10min)
#Poster Session# Metamotivational states for Exercise among Smokers, Nonsmokers, and Quitters
Salle polyvalente - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX-ROUGE
B. Colwell, J. Lee & D. Smith (USA)
#Poster Session# Development of an Implicit Measure of Meta-Motivational State
17:55 - 18:05 (10min)
#Poster Session# Development of an Implicit Measure of Meta-Motivational State
Salle polyvalente - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX-ROUGE
L. Thomas, E. Oliver, & J. Hudson (UK)
#Poster Session# Reversal Theory and Design: A First Step to Disclose the Theory to Designers
18:05 - 18:15 (10min)
#Poster Session# Reversal Theory and Design: A First Step to Disclose the Theory to Designers
Salle polyvalente - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX-ROUGE
I. Scarpellini, F. VanMidwoud, et al. (Netherlands)
#Poster Session# Reversal Theory States in Choosing a Friend among Adolescents in France
18:15 - 18:25 (10min)
#Poster Session# Reversal Theory States in Choosing a Friend among Adolescents in France
Salle polyvalente - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX-ROUGE
J. Kerzil (France)
Opening Ceremony Cocktail
18:30 - 19:00 (30min)
Opening Ceremony Cocktail
Hall - Bâtiment 13- CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
Downtown dinner
20:00 - 22:00 (2h)
Downtown dinner
Continental breakfast
8:30 - 8:45 (15min)
Continental breakfast
Hall - Bâtiment 13- CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
#Oral presentations#Session1# Why People in Sub-Saharan Countries are Unwilling to Undergo Surgical Amputations?
8:45 - 9:15 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session1# Why People in Sub-Saharan Countries are Unwilling to Undergo Surgical Amputations?
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
O. Zounon (France)
#Oral presentations#Session1# Exploring Reversal Theory in Relation to Consideration of Future Consequences
9:15 - 9:45 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session1# Exploring Reversal Theory in Relation to Consideration of Future Consequences
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
A. O'Neil, J. Craig & K. Lafreniere (Canada)
#Oral presentations#Session1# The Reversal Theory State Measure (RTSM): The Development of a 'Gold Standard' State Measure
9:45 - 10:15 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session1# The Reversal Theory State Measure (RTSM): The Development of a 'Gold Standard' State Measure
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
M. Desselles, S. Murphy, et al. (USA)
#Oral presentations#Session1# Paratelic/Telic State, Sexual Arousal, and Sexual Risk-Taking Intentions in University Students
10:15 - 10:45 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session1# Paratelic/Telic State, Sexual Arousal, and Sexual Risk-Taking Intentions in University Students
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
K. Cramer & S. Skakoon (Canada)
Coffee break
10:45 - 11:00 (15min)
Coffee break
Hall - Bâtiment 13- CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
#Oral presentations#Session1# Rebelliousness and attachment difficulties as legacies of parental neglect in childhood
11:00 - 11:30 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session1# Rebelliousness and attachment difficulties as legacies of parental neglect in childhood
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
M. McDermott & N. Barik (UK)
#Oral presentations#Session1# Motivational Profile of Female Cancer Survivors in Behavioral Clinical Research Trials
11:30 - 12:00 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session1# Motivational Profile of Female Cancer Survivors in Behavioral Clinical Research Trials
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
M. Desselles, D. Hughes, et al. (USA)
#Oral presentations#Session1# Metamotivational Dominance Involving Substance Use during Academic Tasks
12:00 - 12:30 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session1# Metamotivational Dominance Involving Substance Use during Academic Tasks
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
J. Craig, A. O'Neil, & K. Lafreniere (Canada)
12:45 - 14:00 (1h15)
#Keynote speaker#2# Towards a theory of things: Reversal theory and design
14:15 - 15:15 (1h)
#Keynote speaker#2# Towards a theory of things: Reversal theory and design
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
M. J. Apter (USA)
#Oral presentations#Session2# Reflections on using Reversal Theory in theory-driven design
15:30 - 16:00 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session2# Reflections on using Reversal Theory in theory-driven design
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
S. Fokkinga & P. Desmet (Netherlands)
#Oral presentations#Session2# The Adventure of a hospitalization: Bringing the reversal theory to the world of design
16:00 - 16:30 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session2# The Adventure of a hospitalization: Bringing the reversal theory to the world of design
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
F. Ruijs, P. Desmet, & M. Sonneveld (Netherlands)
Coffee break
16:30 - 16:45 (15min)
Coffee break
Hall - Bâtiment 13- CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
#Oral presentations#Session2# How to use the AMSP instrument complementary to other Trait Personality Theory's instruments?
16:45 - 17:15 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session2# How to use the AMSP instrument complementary to other Trait Personality Theory's instruments?
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
S. Baetche (France)
#Oral presentations#Session2# Using the Reversal Theory in coaching sessions for management and everyday life issues
17:15 - 17:45 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session2# Using the Reversal Theory in coaching sessions for management and everyday life issues
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
C. Lunacek (France)
#Oral presentations#Session2# The Practice of Puxa-Puxa among Mozambican Women: A Theory-Driven Inventory of Motives
17:45 - 18:15 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session2# The Practice of Puxa-Puxa among Mozambican Women: A Theory-Driven Inventory of Motives
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
G. Vera-Cruz & E. Mullet (France)
Reversal Theory Society meeting
18:30 - 19:30 (1h)
Reversal Theory Society meeting
R236 - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
Downtown dinner
20:00 - 22:00 (2h)
Downtown dinner
Continental breakfast
8:30 - 8:45 (15min)
Continental breakfast
Hall - Bâtiment 13- CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
#Oral presentations#Session3# Predicting Tolerance for Deceit: Integration of Reversal Theory and the Social Normative Model
8:45 - 9:15 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session3# Predicting Tolerance for Deceit: Integration of Reversal Theory and the Social Normative Model
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
M. Desselles, E. Theys, & J. Walczyk (USA)
#Oral presentations#Session3# The Enjoyment of Negative Emotion
9:15 - 9:45 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session3# The Enjoyment of Negative Emotion
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
A. M. Rabalais, M. Desselles, et al. (USA)
#Oral presentations#Session3# A Reversal Theory Perspective of why Flow Doesn't Happen
9:45 - 10:15 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session3# A Reversal Theory Perspective of why Flow Doesn't Happen
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
J. Wright (UK)
#Oral presentations#Session3# Good moments in family therapy and reversals of motivational state
10:15 - 10:45 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session3# Good moments in family therapy and reversals of motivational state
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
N. Duriez (France)
Coffee break
10:45 - 11:00 (15min)
Coffee break
Hall - Bâtiment 13- CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
#Oral presentations#Session3# Reversal Theory and compassion focused therapy for human flourishing
11:00 - 11:30 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session3# Reversal Theory and compassion focused therapy for human flourishing
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
J. Wright (UK)
#Oral presentations#Session3# Waiting Experience And Reversal Theory
11:30 - 12:00 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session3# Waiting Experience And Reversal Theory
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
M. VanHagen, M. Galetzka, & A. Pruyn (Netherlands)
12:15 - 14:00 (1h45)
Optional tour
15:00 - 16:30 (1h30)
Optional tour
Optional tour
16:30 - 18:00 (1h30)
Optional tour
Downtown dinner
20:00 - 22:00 (2h)
Downtown dinner
Continental breakfast
8:30 - 8:45 (15min)
Continental breakfast
Hall - Bâtiment 13- CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
#Keynote speaker#3# Multiple motives in extreme, risk or adventure sports
8:45 - 9:45 (1h)
#Keynote speaker#3# Multiple motives in extreme, risk or adventure sports
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
J. Kerr (Canada)
#Oral presentations#Session4# The Marketing of Running Shoes through Metamotivational States
9:45 - 10:15 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session4# The Marketing of Running Shoes through Metamotivational States
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
L. Watkins (UK)
#Oral presentations#Session4# Psychophysiological and Stress Responses to Competition in Team Sport Coaches: An Exploratory Study
10:15 - 10:45 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session4# Psychophysiological and Stress Responses to Competition in Team Sport Coaches: An Exploratory Study
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
J. Hudson, P. Robinson, & G. Davison (UK)
Coffee break
10:45 - 11:00 (15min)
Coffee break
Hall - Bâtiment 13- CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
#Oral presentations#Session4# Reversal Theory Constructs, Learning and Grade Orientation, and Academic Risk-Taking
11:00 - 11:30 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session4# Reversal Theory Constructs, Learning and Grade Orientation, and Academic Risk-Taking
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
K. Lafreniere, R. Menna, et al. (Canada)
#Oral presentations#Session4# The Use of Reversal Theory in Mathematics Education Research
11:30 - 12:00 (30min)
#Oral presentations#Session4# The Use of Reversal Theory in Mathematics Education Research
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
G. Lewis (UK)
Closing Ceremony Banquet
12:30 - 14:30 (2h)
Closing Ceremony Banquet
Salle polyvalente - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX-ROUGE
Sum-up and concluding comments
14:30 - 15:30 (1h)
Sum-up and concluding comments
Amphithéâtre - Bâtiment 13 - CAMPUS CROIX ROUGE
Michael J. Apter (USA) & P. Mollaret (France)
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